
Hadley-the-Cavalier-King-Charles-Spaniel puppy
Hadley was born in Texas but traveled all the way to California so that she could lay in the sunshine year round. She loves to play with her toys and and run around the house. Hadley is happiest when she can rest her chin on your face and give you kisses. She loves dancing when it is time to eat, and she likes to hide socks whenever she gets the chance.

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Duke-the-Rhodesian-Ridgeback puppy
Meet Duke! He is our adorable Rhodesian Ridgeback who has filled our home with so much love! We got him at nine weeks old, and he has already learned so much as a young pup. He loves to play in our yard but will always want to be right next to wherever we are. His favorite game is tug of war, but loves to go for walks around our neighborhood to meet new friends. He is learning very quickly, but put those treats away as he only wants love and cuddling as a reward! He is only under 30 pounds now, but will grow to be just about 100. We will need to get a new couch just for our big boy! We couldn’t be happier with our puppy Duke!

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Shiloh-the-Australian-Shepherd puppy
My name is Shiloh and I just joined a new family. I really enjoy ice cream and posing for pictures. A favorite past time is running around and biting anything I can get my piranha teeth into. I generally am relaxed all day until it comes time to wake up or go to sleep. I am very lovable and am thoroughly enjoying my puppyhood. I know how to sit and love walking down Main Street; still getting used to the leash though.

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Breaker-the-Golden-Retriever puppy
My name is Breaker. I was originally named for breaking waves, which makes sense because I spend all my time in my personal pool outside. My family believes that the name also fits with my habit of making anything and everything into my chew toy. Brooms? Bottles? Computers? Toes? Yes, I love them all. I also like snuggling up with everyone on the couch after a dip in the pool. Or on any of the vents in the house, which I find cool you better when sleeping on your back.

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Brodie-the-English-Springer-Spaniel puppy
Hi, my name is Brodie and I love to run! I wake up at 7 and run! Then I take a nap and run some more! My favorite toy is my squeaky ball, and I know it bothers my family, but I still squeak it. I love to play with my cousin, Breezy, also a springer. My family loves me so much. Sometimes I get so energized, I run around the house in circles for an hour. Then I take another nap. My favorite game is fetch, but sometimes I don’t want to let go of the ball! I already know how to sit, give paw, lie down, go in the crate, and ring the bells to go outside. I’m looking forward to going to the beach and going kayaking with my daddy again. That was fun!

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Skeeter-the-Samoyed puppy
Hi! I’m Skeeter Wilkins. I’m a Samoyed, even though my mama calls me her very own polar bear. I am generally a really happy-go-lucky guy. I have a big brother and a big sister and I love them to bits too. I can be annoying, but I am the baby of the family, so it’s my job. I think Cheese should be a religion and that everyone is my new best friend (they just don’t know it yet!)

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Darla-the-Saint-Bernard puppy
This is my (almost) six month old Saint Bernard, Darla Belle. She’s a little trouble maker with the world’s most innocent face. It’s even funnier because Saints aren’t known to be very smart, but Darla’s completely debunked that idea! She’s a little celebrity in my city, known by so many for her goofy smile, outgoing attitude and her automatic tendency to roll over for belly rubs.

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Ollie-the-Golden-Retriever puppy
Ollie is a loving pup who has fit in perfectly with his new family here in Western Australia. He can be a menace at times but with his adorable looks and charm he can pretty much get away with anything! His favorite thing to do is annoying his big ‘brother’ Max, and grabbing his tail when he isn’t looking. He also loves tummy rubs, chewing anything he can get his paws on, and walks along the river. Ollie is food obsessed–his meals disappear in record time, and then he is straight back on the lookout for more! He is such a clever, loving little guy and there is no way we could imagine life without him.

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Jackson-the-Mixed-Breed puppy
Jackson was adopted from a shelter in North Carolina at 10 weeks old. He was the biggest in the litter. He is handful but he is also the sweetest, friendliest and silliest pup you’ll meet. He makes just about everyone laugh and he tries his best to love all over you.

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Tiger-the-Bull-Terrier-Mix puppy
Tiger is a cross between American Bull Terrier (dad) and Staffy (mum). He’s a really clever guy and learns really fast (sit and paw in just a few days). He loves attention and especially loves it when loads of people give him cuddles. He says thank you with a little kiss. He really looks like the dog emoji you get in the iPhone.

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To Entertain Your Pet When You’re Not At Home

The PetCube WiFi camera lets play with your pet when you aren’t home.

<a href=”https://www.amazon.com/Petcube-Interactive-Wi-Fi-Camera-Silver/dp/B00JGWN8O8/ref=as_li_ss_il?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1471468910&sr=1-2&keywords=petchatz&linkCode=li3&tag=cado-20&linkId=cfae9a4d5f023ae341f93b50a693795b” target=”_blank”><img border=”0″ src=”//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00JGWN8O8&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=cado-20″ ></a><img src=”https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=cado-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00JGWN8O8″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” />


Well, the dog chewed up your sneakers again, and the cat chewed through your brand new lightning cable which you bought last week because she devoured the last one in no time at all. It sometimes makes me wonder if sneaker and cable and carpet manufacturers put some special sauce on their products to make them irresistible to pets. I suppose some of this destructive activity is because our pets don’t get enough exercise and not enough stimulation. But how much is too much and how little is too little? Buster and Buster (Yes, I gave both my dog and my cat the same name) Buster #1 is the dog, and Buster #2 is the cat. Both get along well with each other and have a swell time wrecking the place. So every time I head to the store or work for an extended period my anxious worry creeps upon me, and I wonder what new device, cable, chair or rug, etc., the pets have found fascinating to destroy.
I was not searching for a solution to this problem, but a solution presented its self in the form of a product called the petcube camera. This excellent device will not only allow you to see and check-up on your pet but also interact with your pet. A built-in laser gives you hours of interactive fun with your cat or dog. You can use the iPhone or Android app to watch, talk to and play with your pets no matter where you are. The pet cube beautifully designed with brushed aluminum and curved corners, so it looks great in any room of the house. When you can’t play in real time, the pet cube has an auto play feature to keep your pets entertained. With the optional Petcube Care subscription ( a cloud-based video recorded timeline) you record, rewind and review 10 or 30 days of video history. A free 1-month trial comes with your purchase. Don’t forget the social media sharing options available, and you can share to your favorite media with the hashtag #petcube.

Buy here on Amazon




Simon-the-Bloodhound puppy
Simon is an eleven week old bloodhound puppy that loves any attention from anyone that comes near him. His favorite toy is the one with the most squeaks. His best friend is his big-little sister E.J., the wire haired dachshund. Simon will sit only when he gets enough treats and will walk on a lead when he decides it is where he wants to go. He has gotten his first harness so he can look for people and for the stuff that they leave on the ground for him to find.

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Indiana-the-Labrador-Retriever puppy
Indiana lives in Baltimore City by Patterson Park. She loves walking in the park, chasing after birds, and walking by the Chesapeake Bay. She is very easy going, lovable, and gets along well with other dogs. Her favorite toy is her lion.

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Hank-the-Mixed-Breed puppy
Hi my name is Hank! I’m a German shepherd / mastiff mix (the best the vet can tell). My birth mom was a stray shepherd mix who came into the shelter pregnant. And my markings and giant feet have the vets thinking my dad was a mastiff. My mommy and daddy then adopted me when I was 10 weeks old. I’ve only been with them two weeks but they love me so very much and I’m such a good boy for them. I learned sit and how to lay down in a day each and am working on shake. I’m very good at leave it and coming when my name is called too. I love to nap and can find just about anywhere and any position to sleep. I love to go camping on the weekends and play with my canine cousins. I’m a love bug and want nothing more than a lap to sit on and some kisses. My life is so great now with so many people to love me, so many toys and so much land to play on. Mom and Dad think they’re the lucky ones though!

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Wellington-the-Old-English-Sheepdog puppy
Wellington is a a happy, fun-loving old English Sheepdog. He is loved by our twelve-year-old Sheepdog, Winston. Wellie loves to spend his day out and about in our neighborhood. Wellie’s favorite activity these days is chasing water from sprinklers. He is very outgoing and adventurous. We have truly enjoyed this wonderful addition to our family and look forward to what new activity and experience every day brings.

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